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Spreading the love of Christ



Everlasting Impression

I loved the genuine happiness the kids had when they'd greet you in the morning! And even if the day was challenging, we'd say 'See you tomorrow!' and they would echo that enthusiasm. Sometimes they would teach me more than what I was teaching them. My experience left an everlasting impression."-Carrie Nolan, Public Relations Manager



"My first year I learned about teamwork, poverty in rural areas and a lot about myself and how I work with others. My second summer was a huge affirmation of where I was being called. It taught me the city kids were my kids, that teamwork was my favorite way to work, and taught me a ton about what poverty actually is and is not."-Ang Hart, Associate Director, Arts and Scraps


Equity and Equality

"I remember learning what privilege means. Learned about equity and equality. I found a language that translated my evangelical faith in actions that embodied what I believed and mirrored what Jesus taught."-Alex Plum, Senior Program Coordinator, Henry Ford Health System

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