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And the community listens

One thing that I really love about Cass is how willing people are to share their lives with the community. I grew up in a church where when it came to prayer time we kept things to ourselves, saying only first names or hinting at situations that are happening. But that’s not Cass. I love the Wednesday Worship because it’s a time of openness and community. If someone is experiencing a problem, they tell their community. If they know someone who is struggling, they tell their community. If they are moved to give a testimony, they share it with the community. And the community listens. It’s absolutely amazing, and I look forward to worshiping at Cass every Wednesday. I’ve also heard stories at lunch time, walking back to my apartment, and on the road to different areas. The sense of community is strong at Cass, and it’s so cool to be a witness to and a part of it.

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