"Don't apologize. We're here to do God's work, no matter what it is."
This summer has been quite different than my previous three with the Mission Intern Program. For the past three summers I've worked with children in a day camp setting, but this summer my internship has been primarily working with volunteer groups that are volunteering at Cass Community Social Services, planning weekly field trips for kids, and helping Cass with whatever they need. I've worked on grounds, painted, run to hardware stores, took children to places like Belle Isle, and done office work. Like I said, it's different. But I'm definitely loving it. I've seen God at work here in so many ways, especially through our volunteers. We don't always have the most glamorous or fun jobs for them, but each group has had a positive spirit. I remember we had a group from Oregon and the first thing we did with them was weed a parking lot. I apologized because it was hot outside and, let's be honest, weeding is not the best job in the world. But one of their leaders looked at me and said, "Don't apologize. We're here to do God's work, no matter what it is." It served as a great reminder to me, and I've kept those words in my heart during my time at Cass.